Dragon vs elephant (Part-3): China’s offensive naval ambitions and strategies

INTRODUCTION This article will try to understand why China has turned to the sea, its naval growth, and if its maritime endeavors are defensive or offensive in nature. These findings will, in turn, determine if India should be concerned by China’s activities, especially in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). This examination begins by studying China’s …

Littoral Warfare : Part-1 : Introduction

INTRODUCTION Littoral warfare is the art of fighting a war in the areas of the sea close to the coastline, around islands, in the middle of restricted water bodies, in short, away from the deep ocean. This kind of warfare is drastically different from open ocean naval warfare. The main reasons are:  The water bodies …

Anti-Submarine Warfare ( Part-3) : Nuclear Submarines

I'll now tell you about submarines which can stay submerged for months at a time, carry enough nuclear weapons to destroy a continent , and have an unlimited range which enables them to travel for more than a decade before they need refueling. All these abilities make them extremely dangerous in modern warfare. They are …

Anti-Submarine Warfare (Part-2) : Diesel-Electric Submarines

When I talk about Anti-Submarine Warfare , it wouldn't be a complete description without explaining about the submarines which are being hunted. So I'll explain in depth about Diesel-Electric submarines in this post. As their name suggests, Diesel-Electric submarines run on diesel and electricity. They have a large network of batteries which are charged by …