About Us

Defencyclopedia was started on December 6th, 2013, by N.R.P as a Facebook page. The main aim of the page was to spread information about defense technology, strategies, and current affairs. It aimed to provide a platform for people interested in defense to learn more about how things work.

The website http://www.defencyclopedia.com was started in April 2014 as a platform to publish simple, unique and detailed articles about military equipment, strategic affairs, and the technology. As of today, over 60 articles have been published. Over the past few months, we have taken on board, several distinguished guest authors to contribute articles. One of them is a professional Australia strategic affairs analyst and the other is an Indian Navy officer. Their articles, along with the ones written by N.R.P, cover a wide range of topics.

If you have any questions that you wish to ask, do contact us : defencyclopedia@gmail.com

5 Replies to “About Us”

  1. Hi, excellent articles about defence issues. Please more articles about Russia if possible.
    And I wanna ask smt. Your articles includes high level technical informations. What’s your education? About international relations or war college? Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I absolutely love the idea for this website. I am the operator of a military history page on Insta called @milit_hist_facts. Yann Menetrey, one of your authors, and friend of mine who operates @the_ww2_gallery, introduced me to this website. I will most definitely be using your app. While following fellow military Instagram accounts is informational, the character maximum limits what can be read. This will make an excellent substitution. Thank you for creating this and I look forward to reading your articles.

    Liked by 1 person

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